Q Does AIDesigner sim provide English reports?
Q What types of reports does AIDesigner sim provide?
Q What SW is required to use AIDesigner sim?
Q What do I need to do first to use AIDesigner sim?
Q How to choose a metamodel?
Q What metamodeling techniques are supported by PIAnO?
Q What techniques can I use when I want to add data to an existing data?
Q What DOE techniques are provided by PIAnO?
Q What information can I get from a Design of Experiments (DOE)?
Q How can we make DOE more accessible in PIAnO?
Q How can we handle optimization problems with multiple objectives?
Q What optimization methods does PIAnO provide?
Q How does a global optimization algorithm work?
Q How does a gradient-based optimization algorithm work?
Q What are the design variables, objective function, and constraints?
Q What conditions must a CAE SW have to be able to automate process in PIAnO?
Q Can PIAnO perform optimization using CAE SW located in a cloud environment or supercomputer (or HPC)?
Q Is process automation essential for optimization?
Q Please explain in simple terms what PIAnO means by process automation.
Q Can I install multiple versions of PIAnO at the same time?