Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Software enhanced with AI Technology
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Software enhanced with AI Technology

PIAnO Signature is an AI-enhanced MDO¹ software
that combines PIAnO Enterprise, powered by PIDO² technology,
with AIDesigner sim, leveraging AADO³ technology.

PIAnO Signature autonomously analyzes design results using DAVIS
technology, generating Excel reports that include summarized
design outcomes and visually intuitive charts and graphs.

  • ¹ Process Integration and Design Optimization

    ² AI-Aided Design Optimization

  • ³ Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

    Data Analytics, Visualization and Interactive Storytelling

PIAnO Signature Composition

• Consists of 5 independent applications

• Can be utilized independently or in an interconnected manner according to the design objectives.

PIAnO Signature 구성
Composer 로고

Integrates CAD, CAE, metamodels, in-house code, and Excel to establish an automated analysis process and
executes Design optimization (DO) and design of experiments (DOE) to achieve optimal design solutions.

CAD, CAE, Metamodel, In-house code, Excel 등을 연동하여 자동화된 해석 프로세스를 구성하고, 최적화(DO)나 실험계획법(DOE) 등을 실행하여 최적의 설계 솔루션을 도출하는 역할을 담당합니다.
Sampler 로고

Provides various Sampling techniques to establish Design of Experiments (DOE)
Immediate generation of sample points can be processed only with a definition of design variables,
as well as addition of sample points considering space-filling properties.

실험계획(Design of Experiments)을 수립하기 위한 다양한 샘플링 기법을 제공합니다. 설계변수의 정의만으로 곧바로 실험점 생성이 가능하며, 공간 충진성능 고려한 실험점 추가가 가능합니다.

¹ Select Automatically
: Automatically selects the most appropriate sampling techniques by considering the user requirements

² Bruce LHD
: Automatically selects the appropriate technique from LHD techniques provided by PIDOTECH, based
on the number of design variables and sample points set by the user.

² Augmenting Design
: Effectively adds sample points upon previous sample points by considering space-filling properties


A new technique added in ver. 2025

· Added Bruce LHD, a user-friendly LHD technique: automatically selects and
generates a suitable LHD technique based on user requirements.

· Included a nover Near-Optimal LHD technique developed by PIDOTECH: Cyclic LHD (CLHD)

Metamodeler 로고

Responsible for generating metamodels with imported labeled data. BruceMentor for Metamodeling can
autonomously determine the metamodel type that is the most appropriate for the imported labeled data.
Additionally, the generated metamodel can be exported as PIAnO Composer, Executable file (MetaPredictor), and Excel formats. Users without PIAnO License can utilize the metamodel exported as executable file and Excel formats.

Import된 레이블 데이터로 메타모델을 생성하는 역할을 담당합니다. BruceMentor for Metamodeling은 Import된 레이블 데이터에 가장 적합한 메타모델 형태를 자율적으로 결정할 수 있습니다. 또한 생성된 메타모델은  PIAnO Composer, 실행파일(MetaPredictor), Excel 형태로 export 가능하며, 실행파일과 Excel로 export된 메타모델은 PIAnO 라이선스를 보유하지 않은 사용자들도 사용하실 수 있습니다.

¹ BruceMentor (for Metamodeling) : AUutonomously select the most appropriate metamodel type

² MetaPredictor : an executable file with a separate UI that can be utilized without PIAnO License


Enhanced performance of
BruceMentor In PIAnO 2025

Applied data preprocessing techniques and data expansion compared to PIAno 2024

- Reduced the duration of AI-based Metamodel recommendation by 1/5.

- 3 additional recommended metamedels (a total of 18)

- 30% Increase in the amound of traningh data

Reviewer 로고

A Post-processer that can visualize the analysis result of the imported labeled data,
responsible for exporting the report as Excel format.

 Import된 레이블 데이터의 분석 결과를 시각화해주는 Post-processor이며, Excel 형태의 보고서를 출력해주는 역할을 담당합니다. BruceMentor for Screening은 Import된 레이블 데이터의 주요 인자를 정확히 분석할 수 있는 분석 기법을 자율적으로 결정할 수 있습니다.
AIDesigner sim 로고

An AI-based autonomous optimization and data analysis software for PIAnO users.
As no prior knowledge of design optimization or data analysis is required for AIDesigner sim,
anyone can easily and quickly perform optimization and generate result reports.

PIAnO 사용자를 위한 AI 기반 자율 최적화 및 데이터 분석 소프트웨어입니다. 최적설계와 데이터 분석에 필요한 배경지식을 사용자에게 요구하지 않기 때문에 누구나 쉽고 빠르게 최적화 및 결과 보고서 작성이 가능합니다.

Improved the reporting functionality

· Provides the report of optimal design result and design guideline using DAVIS* technology
in a data-storytelling format (*DAVIS: Data Analysis, Visualization and Interactive Storytelling)

· Offers an Excel report of the analysis result in three color modes: Dark, Lihgt, and Black & White.

Expected Benefits of PIAnO Signature

  • Enhanced Usability

    Enhanced Usability

    Enhances usability as no engineering
    background is required for performing
    Design Optimization and Data Analysis

  • Reduction of M/H

    Reduction of M/H

    All procedures of the Analysis of Key design
    variables, Metamodeling, Optimization, Data Analysis, and Report Generation can be executed with one-click, significantly reducing M/H.

  • Accumulation of Know-hows

    Accumulation of Know-hows

    Provides design guides for data analysis
    and optimization result analysis,
    enabling the accumulation of
    product design knowledge.

  • Utilization of Engineering Data

    Utilization of Engineering Data

    Utilizes data accumulated from simulations
    or experiments to establish performance
    prediction and design optimization processes.